Raingutter Regatta

Troop 346 B & G welcome scouts and and the community to join us in our 1st annual Raingutter Regatta.

Who is invited? Scouts and youth in the community.

What is happening? We will be racing boats side by side in two rain gutters to see which boat is the fastest by using a fan to push the boats down the course. Multiple courses will be set up for a race off to the fastest boat!

When is the Regatta? November 6th, starting at 8am until noon

Where are you racing? Pasadena United Methodist Church in the parking lot by the fire circle.

Why are you hosting this event? To garner interest in scouting at Pasadena United Methodist Church. We currently offer scouting through BSA Troop 346 Boys for boys 11-18, BSA Troop 346 Girls for girls 11-18, BSA Crew 346 for young adults 14-21, and Girl Scout Troop 2289 for girls 5-18. We are also looking for those interested in restarting BSA Pack 346 for Boys & Girls 5-11

How do we sign up? RSVP by sending an email to cjboia1@gmail.com or bsatroop346.pumc@gmail.com with your name, youth name and age.

How much does this cost? There is no cost for entry but you will need to purchase and make your own boat. Boats are available at your local craft store, The Dorsey Road Scout Store or online. Boats will also be available the day of the regatta for $6 each, same price as the scout store.

*The early bird gets the worm! Breakfast will be provided!

Some concessions such as drinks will also be available.

Youtube has a wealth of info, tips and tricks on building and racing. The following videos are a great step by step guide by to creating your own boats.