Merit Badges
There are over 135 merit badges available for scouts to earn. Scouts may earn the minimum they need for each rank or they may earn as many as they choose. Click the link below to see a complete list of available merit badges and the process to earn those badges. On that page, click each subject to see the requirements for each merit badge.
The troop maintains an inventory of merit badge books and merit badge counselors. The troop librarian can assist with checking out any merit badge books needed. Our Advancement Chair can help identify registered councilors for any merit badge a scout wants to pursue.
These books may be borrowed by any member of the troop to be used while they are working on a merit badge.
Merit badge counselors can be found within our 346 community and active in a unit on Tuesday or Wednesday evenings. Scouts are not limited to these counselors or the badges they offer, but our community is a great place to start!
US Scouting has tried to make working on merit badges easier. They have created workbooks to follow along with most merit badges. This allows your scout to keep all their work in one place. They do not replace any requirements for a merit badge. For instance when a requirement says to "show" or "discuss" a requirement with your merit badge councilor, the scout will still need to do so.
Eagle Required Merit Badges
Eighteen merit badges have a silver edge and are referred to as Eagle required merit badges. Citizenship in Society is required beginning July 2022. Four of these must be earned for Star rank, seven for Life rank and Fourteen for Eagle rank. All badges earned, including additional Eagle badges, count towards the total number of merit badges needed to earn each of the advanced ranks, Star (6), Life (11), & Eagle(21).